Consumer Insights from Online Reviews Powered by Generative AI

Seamlessly integrate review analytics into your marketing, ecommerce, and product processes, driving strategic decision-making with high-quality data and real-time analysis.

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The World's Leading Brands Use Revuze
For Truth-Driven Consumer Insights

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How Revuze's Generative AI Works

Automates Consumer Research

Revuze automatically collects unstructured data from multiple sources — such as eCommerce reviews, surveys and user-generated content — and then classifies, cleans and organizes it into actionable insights that describe consumer needs across different categories in a granular way.

Identifies the Most Relevant Topics

Revuze’s machine learning algorithms discover topics for each product category and build each of them a unique taxonomy, without the need for human interaction.

Detects Customer Sentiment

Revuze’s contextual intelligence understands topics, sentiment and context with no manual keyword definition, delivering actionable insights on customer satisfaction with exceptional accuracy.

A Better Way to Get the Insights You Need


Make Truth-based Consumer Decisions

Surveys, focus groups, and social media data only scratch the surface of understanding your potential customer. Revuze's advanced natural language models meticulously cleanse and organize data, ensuring the highest level of integrity. Benefit from unparalleled accuracy, and insights down to the SKU level - unveiling the real reasons behind every 1 and 5-star rating.

Close Data Gaps with Verified Buyer Insights

Empower your decisions with authentic insights from verified buyers, not just social media chatterboxes. We filter customer attitude, recognizing contextual polarity and interpolating judgment, affective state, and intended emotional communication to create easy-to-understand and usable analysis. Gain clarity and confidence in understanding sentiments from those who have actually used your product.

Hear what Our Customers Have to Say

“Since we partnered with Revuze, so many people in our organization now get true consumer insights when we do a new product development. It really impacts so much of what so many teams do, whether it's product, market research or consumer insights … now everyone understands that they have a piece of it.”
Diane Meyer

VP of Consumer Experience

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Start Reaping Value

Get the solid ground truth about your verified buyers with category insights from online reviews to support strategy and business decision making. Dive in as granular as you wish with category, brand, and SKU insights to help lead your category.

Access Sources Across All Global eCommerce
Cleansed & Organized Insights
Product SKUs Catalog by Category & Hierarchy
Parameters per SKU